Home 9 The Art of Technology 9 Guide to the PIC10F322 Configuration Bits in XC8

What Are the PIC10F322 Configuration Bits?

Configuration bits are special bits in the microcontroller that can only be modified at time. These bits are “read” during a reset and enable or disable various hardware features. Features controlled by the configuration bits include the clock source, Watchdog Timer, Brown-out Detect, and Memory Read Protection. Essentially, these bits act like fuses located in the program memory space.

Each PIC has its own set of configuration bits, which are detailed in the “Special Features” section of the individual datasheets. The settings for these bits are determined by directives written in the application software.

Breakdown of Configuration Bits for PIC10F320 and PIC10F322

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the configuration bits for the PIC10F320 and , along with code snippets to set them using .

FOSC — Oscillator Selection Bits

#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // Uses internal oscillator
#pragma config FOSC = EC     // Uses external oscillator, clock source needed on CLKIN pin

Recommendation: Use the internal oscillator:

#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC

BOREN — Brown-out Reset Enable

#pragma config BOREN = OFF     // Brown-out Reset disabled
#pragma config BOREN = SBODEN  // Controlled by SBOREN bit in BORCON register
#pragma config BOREN = NSLEEP  // Enabled while running, disabled in Sleep
#pragma config BOREN = ON      // Brown-out Reset enabled

Recommendation: Enable Brown-out Reset:

#pragma config BOREN = ON

WDTE — Watchdog Timer Enable

#pragma config WDTE = OFF      // Watchdog Timer disabled
#pragma config WDTE = SWDTEN   // Controlled by SWDTEN bit in WDTCON register
#pragma config WDTE = NSLEEP   // Enabled while running, disabled in Sleep
#pragma config WDTE = ON       // Watchdog Timer enabled

Recommendation: Disable Watchdog Timer unless necessary:

#pragma config WDTE = OFF

PWRTE — Power-up Timer Enable

#pragma config PWRTE = ON  // Power-up Timer enabled
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF // Power-up Timer disabled

Recommendation: Enable Power-up Timer:

#pragma config PWRTE = ON

MCLRE — MCLR Pin Function Select

#pragma config MCLRE = OFF // MCLR pin is digital input, internally tied to VDD
#pragma config MCLRE = ON  // MCLR pin function is MCLR, needs external pull-up

Recommendation: Disable MCLR to use it as an I/O pin:

#pragma config MCLRE = OFF

CP — Code Protection

#pragma config CP = ON  // Program memory code protection enabled
#pragma config CP = OFF // Program memory code protection disabled

Recommendation: Enable or disable based on your needs:

#pragma config CP = OFF

LVP — Low-Voltage Programming

#pragma config LVP = OFF // High-voltage on MCLR/VPP for programming
#pragma config LVP = ON  // Low-voltage programming enabled

Recommendation: Disable Low-Voltage Programming if using PICKit or similar:

#pragma config LVP = OFF

LPBOR — Brown-out Reset Selection

#pragma config LPBOR = OFF // Brown-out Reset disabled
#pragma config LPBOR = ON  // Brown-out Reset enabled

Recommendation: Enable Low-Power Brown-out Reset:

#pragma config LPBOR = ON

BORV — Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection

Recommendation: Use the low trip point:

#pragma config BORV = LO

WRT — Flash Memory Self-Write Protection

#pragma config WRT = ALL   // All addresses write protected
#pragma config WRT = HALF  // 0x000 to 0x0FF write protected
#pragma config WRT = BOOT  // 0xFF000 to 0x07F write protected
#pragma config WRT = OFF   // Write protection off

Recommendation: Disable write protection unless necessary:

#pragma config WRT = OFF

Sum It Up

Configuration bits are crucial for setting up the hardware features of your PIC10F322 microcontroller. By understanding and correctly setting these bits, you can optimize your microcontroller’s performance for your specific application. Use the provided configurations and recommendations as a guide to get started quickly and effectively.

See this post – If you are looking for a PIC10F322 configuration bits header file for XC8. Simplifying Your PIC10F322 Projects with a Standard Header File

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