So, just what is the difference between the PIC10F320 and ?

Difference Between the PIC10F320 and PIC10F322

Both the PIC10F320 and PIC10F322 microcontrollers operate at speeds up to 16MHz with an internal oscillator. They share the following features:

  • 4 I/O Pins
  • 2 8-bit Timers
  • 2 PWM Modules
  • 8-bit 3-channel ADC
  • Configurable Logic Cell
  • Numerically Controlled Oscillator
  • Complementary Waveform Generator
  • 128 Bytes of High-Endurance Flash Data Memory (HEF)
  • 64 Bytes Data Memory

Despite these similarities, there is one key difference between the two:

  • PIC10F322: 512 Words of Flash Program Memory
  • PIC10F320: 256 Words of Flash Program Memory

The PIC10F322 offers double the program space of the PIC10F320 and costs approximately 3 cents more, depending on the quantity purchased.

For most applications, the additional program memory of the PIC10F322 is worth the small price increase. However, for large-scale production, such as manufacturing 5 million devices, the choice will depend on the specific memory requirements of your code.

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