So, just what is the difference between the PIC10F320 and PIC10F322?
Difference Between the PIC10F320 and PIC10F322
Both the PIC10F320 and PIC10F322 microcontrollers operate at speeds up to 16MHz with an internal oscillator. They share the following features:
- 4 I/O Pins
- 2 8-bit Timers
- 2 PWM Modules
- 8-bit 3-channel ADC
- Configurable Logic Cell
- Numerically Controlled Oscillator
- Complementary Waveform Generator
- 128 Bytes of High-Endurance Flash Data Memory (HEF)
- 64 Bytes Data Memory
Despite these similarities, there is one key difference between the two:
- PIC10F322: 512 Words of Flash Program Memory
- PIC10F320: 256 Words of Flash Program Memory
The PIC10F322 offers double the program space of the PIC10F320 and costs approximately 3 cents more, depending on the quantity purchased.
For most applications, the additional program memory of the PIC10F322 is worth the small price increase. However, for large-scale production, such as manufacturing 5 million devices, the choice will depend on the specific memory requirements of your code.
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